Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 3: Recovering a Sense of Power

All the power you need to survive and thrive resides within you.

Week 4: Recovering a Sense of Integrity

You don't have to sell out. You don't have to negate yourself to please others.

Week 5: Recovering a Sense of Possibility

Yes, you can. It's not too late. You're not too old.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 6: Recovering a Sense of Abundance

This the week to be good to yourself and rediscover simple luxuries.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

We begin to reconnect to ourselves and the world around us. We become become more sure of our perceptions.

Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength

All artists must learn how to survive loss. Learning how to mourn losses and move on helps us to become strong.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Week 9: Recovering a Sense of Compassion

Considered the highest virtue by the Buddha, we need to have compassion for others and ourselves.

Week 10: Recovering a Sense of Self-Protection

We all need to learn how to protect ourselves from nay-sayers and toxic people. Julia has some thoughts on this.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Week 11: Recovering a Sense of Autonomy

How we learn to make our own direction and heed our inner roadmap.

Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith

This is where we go forward with faith in a "higher power."

Friday, January 11, 2008

The 12 Weeks

The Artist's Way is more than a book; it's a guide and maybe a movement. There are literally millions of people who have read the book and absorbed the principles as simply set down by Julia Cameron.